Star Citizen Stealth Guide
In the context of Star Citizen’s ship and vehicle gameplay, stealth is the ability of a ship or vehicle to remain undetected while accomplishing its mission.
All ships and vehicles in Star Citizen can achieve varying degrees of stealth with the right loadout and proactive management of their systems. Therefore, it’s accurate to think about stealth in degrees; some platforms are more stealthy, and some platforms are less stealthy. This forces a shift in thinking away from if a stealthy platform will be detected to when and at what stage a stealthy platform will be detected—because once you open fire, everyone knows you’re there.
However, many players view stealth as a binary; either you have it, or you don’t. Even respected veterans like Avenger__One, data analysts like Camural, and thought-leaders like the Inforunners fall into the trap of framing stealth in terms of “stealth ships” and “non-stealth ships”. They fall into this trap because some ships and vehicles—like the Aegis Sabre—have varying debuffs against their electromagnetic (EM), infrared (IR), and cross-section (CS) emissions and signatures. This leads these players to not only ignore the stealth capability of ships like the Gladiator, but also to fail to consider the full spectrum of stealth.
In this article, you will be introduced to the concept of stealth as it relates to gameplay in Star Citizen. You will learn how to use it to evade detection, how to disrupt the enemy’s kill chain using it, and how to counter it. But most importantly, you will learn how to think about and approach stealth properly, enabling you to leverage the capabilities that your ships and vehicles—“stealth” or not—already give you.
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Key takeaways
Stealth exists in degrees, with some platforms being more stealthy than others. It’s about when, not if, you will be detected.
Stealth is categorized into detectability, targetability, visibility, and audibility, each affected and countered by different methods.
Managing emissions, using stealth components, and employing countermeasures effectively can enhance stealthiness.
What’s stealth good for anyways?
Stealth can be employed at the tactical, operational or strategic level.
Most inexperienced players have some intuitive understanding of stealth at the tactical level, where it’s leveraged to operate undetected by enemy sensors. Here, they use it to conduct surprise attacks and gain the ability to avoid direct engagement with enemy forces until the optimal moment. Stealth also allows individual platforms to penetrate deep into enemy territory without being detected, granting the capability to strike high-value targets deep behind enemy lines. Finally, stealth can be employed to conduct reconnaissance missions without alerting the enemy, gathering critical intelligence on enemy movements, formations and deployments, and operations.
At the operational level, stealth assets can disrupt enemy supply lines, communication networks, and logistics. This contributes to weakening the enemy’s overall capability. Stealth can also allow friendly forces to move across a contested region rapidly, owing to the ability to evade enemy sensors and aerospace defenses to ensure safe transit. This enables orgs to influence events on a regional level, and enhances an org’s ability to project power across a system or planetary neighborhood.
Use of stealth at the strategic level is more abstract. The presence or belief in the presence of stealth forces can act as a deterrent against potential aggressors, and have a chilling effect on unwanted activity in an area. Stealth can also be used to protect critical assets, such as cargo routes and mining operations. In this way, it can contribute to an org’s overall physical, economic, and even political security.
The four domains of stealth
Within the context of the game, stealth is easily qualified into four domains. There’s stealth against detectability, stealth against targetability, stealth against (optical) visibility, and stealth against audibility.
Detectability is concerned with when an object will be detected by radar. Targetability is concerned with whether or not a target lock can be acquired on the object. Visibility is concerned with whether or not the object can be acquired optically. Lastly, audibility is concerned with whether or not an object can be heard.
Different methods are used to affect each domain of stealth, and will be explored later in this article.
Detectable objects are displayed on the radar as an echo—a dot or other symbol representing the detected object. An object’s radar echo is shown on the radar display when that object’s electromagnetic (EM), infrared (IR), or cross-section (CS) emissions are strong enough to be detected by a radar. It’s possible for an object to go undetected in one spectrum while remaining detectable in another, thus causing it to appear on radar.
A brief overview of radar and radar displays
It’s important to briefly touch on the subjects of radar and radar displays. Radars are components that detect certain physical objects in the vicinity of a radar operator Meanwhile, radar displays are how detection information is communicated to the radar operator.
A radar display uses unique symbols to communicate whether detected objects are ships and vehicles or warheads, with related iconography used in head-up display (HUD) communication. Radar displays are only available to certain crew stations on multicrew ships. These stations include pilot, co-pilot, Command, and manned turret gunnery stations.
In The Doctrine’s Star Citizen Radar Guide, we covered the two types of radar display technology available in the game. There’s first-generation radar (2D) and second-generation radar (3D). 2D radar displays radar observations as a planar image on a flat screen, while 3D radar projects them as a holographic image that can be interacted with.
But regardless of their display type, radars have a maximum range at which they will display detected objects.
Currently, the scope of detectable objects is limited to those capable of emitting EM, IR, and CS signals.
Targetability is the ability to acquire a target lock on an object. There are two types of target locks. The first is a radar lock. The second is a missile or torpedo lock.
Radar locks are necessary to calculate and generate a vehicle or starship’s projected impact point (commonly called a “lead-” or “lag-PIP”). The PIP is typically shown as a small circle, square, diamond, or triangle on a player’s HUD, and denotes where the targeting ship’s gunshots will land. Radar locks can be acquired by a radar-equipped ship or vehicle. A radar lock is acquired when a player targets another ship, vehicle, or warhead by pressing the default [T], [5], or [7] keys.
A missile or torpedo lock is necessary for a warhead to successfully track its target. This type of target lock is initially acquired while in Missile Operator Mode. Once launched, all guided warheads currently in the game maintain their lock independent of the ship or vehicle it was launched from.
Visibility is the state of an object as captured and interpreted using a camera or the human eye. In order for an object to be visible, it requires that there’s a line of sight and enough image contrast for the eye to discern what the object is to a reasonable if not an exact degree. High contrast colors, light, shadow, and movement or perceived movement all work against the ability to maintain low-visibility.
Finally, audibility measures whether or not the sound of an object (“acoustic signature”) can be heard. The predominant source of an acoustic signature can be tied to engines and maneuvering thrusters, but may also include weapon fire, countermeasure employment, and other components.
Distinct impact sounds can be heard when an object is struck by weapons fire. Not only are these sounds easily identified, but they can also be an excellent indicator of an entity’s hostility and capability.
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Increasing and maintaining stealth
Any objects emitting high levels of EM and IR emissions are capable of being picked up on radar. The emitted signal in a particular spectrum only needs to be high enough to overcome any background noise. Background noise is created by any naturally occurring EM or IR in the environment.
It’s possible for one object to hide in the “sensor shadow” of another object as long as the second object is emitting a significantly higher signal than the first. An example of this is a small fighter staying close to the hull of a much larger ship or space station. Some objects may have much higher EM and IR emissions, but larger objects typically have much larger cross-sections. This allows a lower-CS object to hide behind the higher-CS object in order to remain undetectable.
Engines and maneuvering thrusters are by far the largest source of EM emissions, contributing up to nearly half of a ship’s EM signature when active. Shields and weapons make up the second largest contributor, followed by missile and torpedo systems, and other components.
Energy weapons in active use contribute the most to IR emissions.
The easiest way to lower EM and IR signatures is to use Stealth-grade components, turn off non-essential components until needed, and uninstall unnecessary components altogether. For example, a low heat generating loadout may not require that second Cooler. And, a pilot who is very good at managing shields or evading could probably get away with ditching that second shield generator. Staying in-system? Get rid of the Jump drive. Being ferried around or conducting hyperlocal carrier operations? Remove the quantum drive.
When engine systems and maneuvering thrusters are on, keeping flight control inputs short and infrequent also helps to limit EM and IR signatures.
The only way to lower a cross-section signature is to manage the orientation of the ship emitting the signature against an enemy observer. Simply stated, the smaller a ship or vehicle’s volume appears when facing an enemy radar, the less likely it will be detected. Good examples of this in action are the Anvil Arrow and Aegis Sabre. The cross-sections of both ships are extremely small when observed from the front and side. But these cross-section signatures increase dramatically when observed from the top or bottom. Additionally, physical obstructions can be used to mask a cross-section. These concepts apply to maintaining visual stealth as well.
Some ships like the Sabre, Hornet Ghost, Eclipse, Mustang Delta and others are given buffs that lower their EM, IR, and/or CS signatures.
There’s currently no proof that removing externally visible components from a ship or vehicle has any effect on its CS signature.
Targetability is easily disrupted by the use of physical obstructions and countermeasures like noise clouds and decoys. Noise clouds jam radars as well as missiles and torpedoes, preventing them from obtaining or maintaining a lock. Decoys can disrupt missile and torpedo locks, but aren’t a defense against radar locks.
Most problems with the effectiveness of countermeasures can be chalked up to poor timing, improper placement, or both. But it should be acknowledged that server performance can play a role.
Noise clouds and decoys can be deployed early to prevent a radar lock from being acquired and disrupt enemy offensive systems. But they may also negatively impact stealth in the visibility domain. That’s because if the enemy isn’t aware of the presence or position of another ship or vehicle, the noise cloud or decoys themselves may draw an enemy’s attention and betray the deploying entity’s location. In the case that multiple noise clouds are deployed, it may also betray the deploying entity’s relative speed, trajectory, and route to a savvy observer.
It can be argued that background noise can also disrupt targeting. But if an observer is affected by this type of “notching”, then it’s unlikely that they’re able to detect potential targets in the first place. Therefore, background noise should be considered to affect detection and not targeting.
Physical obstructions, lighting conditions, disruptive or low-visibility paint schemes, and even noise clouds can greatly reduce target visibility. In the case of noise clouds, they can make it difficult for a pursuing enemy to maintain the visual acquisition required for accurate deflection shooting. This is especially true in a cluttered battlespace, such as an asteroid field or around a derelict space station, where dropping a noise cloud can also present a dangerous visual obstruction. However, as already pointed out, deploying countermeasures can also draw the attention of an observer, betraying a ship or vehicle’s presence and trajectory.
Most if not all sound a ship makes can be eliminated by flying in decoupled mode, turning the engine(s) off, or even completely powering down. The same is true with surface vehicles, which generate significant noise when moving but generally have a much quieter acoustic signature when idling.
However, in an atmosphere sound is amplified. While surface vehicles can safely turn their engines and powerplants off without issue, a ship would typically need to land first. This makes it challenging to safely suppress the loudest sources of sound from ships. However, meteorological conditions can help disguise or even drown out the acoustic signature generated by ships, vehicles, and other sources. Additionally, terrain features—such as hills, valleys, or canyons—can be strategically used to muffle and deflect the roar of engines and the acoustic signature of weapons fire.
If an observer is able to accurately measure the acoustics of a ship or vehicle, they can get a rough sense of its proximity and trajectory without using any other detection method.
Countering stealth involves understanding and manipulating the various signature mechanics. Different methods are effective depending on the particular domain of stealth. Understanding these differences will help you observe your enemy sooner than they are prepared for, so that you become the decider of when to engage in and disengage from combat.
Detectability and targetability
First and foremost, when it comes to detectability and targetability, it’s important to understand how your radar works. For more information on that, I highly recommend reading the Star Citizen Radar Guide.
Moving on, a scanner ping can be used to reveal ships and ground vehicles. This is called “painting” an object. Like with passive radar detection, the detection distance is determined by the painted object’s respective signatures versus the Size and any innate qualities of the observer’s scanning suite.
Keep in mind that sending out a ping not only gives away your location, but also makes it painstakingly obvious to a target that you’re looking for them. Additionally, a quick-witted pilot will be able to tell whether or not they’ve been seen by comparing their own signature values (minus ambient background noise levels) against the observer’s distance.
Overclocking radar, scanner, and related systems may help increase an observer’s chances of success in detection and targeting.
Countering visual stealth is considerably more difficult.
Movement is typically easiest for the human eye to detect. Therefore, an observer should take note of any object that moves contrarily to the background, or that appears to stay in place while the background seems to move.
If an observer is aware that a ship or vehicle is in view but still can’t locate it, using the “zone method” of visual searching is best. The zone method breaks an observed area into squares. Each imagined square is then searched methodically. In many cases, those squares are further divided into additional, smaller squares to facilitate the search.
When performing a visual search, keep an eye out for colors and formations that look out of place in the current environment. Some examples are a speck of white in an otherwise green field, or an object that’s shinier or duller than other objects in the area.
In order to measure an acoustic signature of an object, two things must be true. First, an object must be generating an acoustic signature. Second, the observer must be close enough to hear it. But, acoustic signatures typically have the shortest observable range of all signatures. As a result, the best way to counter acoustic stealth is usually to rely on a different method of detection altogether.
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In conclusion
At the end of the day, understanding and leveraging stealth in Star Citizen is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond the novice thinking of “stealth ships” versus “non-stealth ships”. It requires a nuanced approach to the four domains of stealth—detectability, targetability, visibility, and audibility—each with its own methods of concealment and challenges. By mastering the art of stealth, players can gain a significant tactical, operational, and strategic advantage, whether it’s through surprise attacks, reconnaissance, or safeguarding valuable assets. Embracing the full spectrum of stealth capabilities allows for a more dynamic and unpredictable gameplay experience, ultimately enhancing one’s effectiveness and enjoyment in the expansive universe of Star Citizen.
Remember, stealth is not just about being unseen; it’s about controlling when and how you are perceived by the enemy.